Our Spirits
  • John Henry Single Malt Whiskey 750 mL

    John Henry Single Malt Whiskey 750 mL

    Twice distilled from lightly smoked 2-row barley aged for 3yrs + in a combination of used and new barrels.


  • John Henry Bourbon Whiskey 750 mL

    John Henry Bourbon Whiskey 750 mL

    With the success and popularity of our John Henry malt whiskey, our devoted customers were asking for a bourbon of the same caliber. We responded by searching for the highest quality, locally distilled bourbon available. ?

    We source the finest Hudson Valley bourbon, freshly distilled below 160 proof and filled into new 52-gallon American oak barrels of medium char #3. After 3 or so years of aging here on the apple farm, the bourbon develops rich aromas of toasted oak, walnuts and buttered popcorn. Non chill filtered and bottled at 42% with natural color from the oak casks.

    Mash Bill: 75% Corn, 20% Rye, 5%
    Malt Age: 3 years 


  • Core Vodka 750 mL

    Core Vodka 750 mL

    Core Vodka is Triple distilled from 100% Apples


  • Core Gin 750 mL

    Core Gin 750 mL

    Distilled using our Core Vodka, Juniper Berries, Coriander Seeds, and Lemon Grass


  • Cornelius Applejack 750 mL

    Cornelius Applejack 750 mL

    Twice distilled from 100% Apples, aged for 3yrs + in used Bourbon Barrels


  • Cornelius Applejack Distillers Reserve 750 mL

    Cornelius Applejack Distillers Reserve 750 mL

    Twice distilled from 100% Apples, aged in used Bourbon Barrels since 2010!


  • Core Black Raspberry Vodka 750 mL

    Core Black Raspberry Vodka 750 mL

    Distilled using our Core Vodka and Black Raspberries


  • Cornelius Cherry 750 mL

    Cornelius Cherry 750 mL

    Made from soaking whole Cherries in our aged Cornelius Applejack


  • Cornelius Peach 750 mL

    Cornelius Peach 750 mL

    Made from soaking whole Peaches in our aged Cornelius Applejack
